It's Been Done, I know but.....


TPF Noob!
Apr 25, 2006
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This is my 10 month old nephew, I know the B&W with colored eyes has been done many MANY times but he is just so darn Cute ( well ok to me anyway). Ha Ha

I think the major problem here is the over saturation of the eyes. Tone it down and I think it will be much better.
elsaspet said:
I think the major problem here is the over saturation of the eyes. Tone it down and I think it will be much better.

Agreed. I think the biggest mistake people make with selective coloring is over saturating the colors. I think more subtle is much better.
He's a little cutie for sure, but as has been mentioned, I think the treatment is a bit *too* much especially as he isn't smiling - the eyes are the most powerful part of the face and I don't think it has helped the general feel of the shot - more menacing than cute I'm afraid.

Thanks for the feed back everyone, I do agree that the eyes are way over saturated and I guess I should have explained them better. His mom wears the colored contacts and they are THAT color blue, hence the reasoning for them...sorry about that.
And yes to those who want to know he is Damion reincarnated!!! we call him EVIL BABY he is VERY spoiled and gets what ever he wants and when he does not he turns into a whole new

I toned down the color of his eyes a bit and here is the result.

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