Its cold...I'm bored...ideas?


Oh crop!
Jun 18, 2013
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South West Wyoming
Can others edit my Photos
Photos OK to edit
The title says it all. Its flippin' cold outside, and I'm pretty much stuck indoors. I'm bored.

Any suggestions/challenges of what to shoot indoors? Also since I have a 3 year old, nothing that takes a lot of time to set up because my son will be knee deep in trouble if I'm too occupied.

(I have a dslr with a range of lenses, 2 speedlights, some umbrellas & stands, a light tent, reflector and some other accessories.)
If you want a challenge try getting some portraits of your 3yo. I know how hard that can be, have one myself and was doing it yesterday for the same reason you are looking for something. Other than that I can't think of much. I'm so sick of this weather and am going to go out for an hour or so tomorrow and hope to come back with all my fingers still working.
Yeah, kid shots indoors can be HARD. You have a diffuser for your speedlights? I'm thinking of snagging one for toddler shots. Maybe that will make life easier.
The 3 year old is a challenge.... I can't get him to stop making stupid faces.

I have two shoot through umbrellas and 2 silver reflective umbrellas for diffusers.
The 3 year old is a challenge.... I can't get him to stop making stupid faces.

I have two shoot through umbrellas and 2 silver reflective umbrellas for diffusers.

Duct tape and pins will solve that running around making silly faces problem.
Cold weather is great for outdoor shooting as you get less moisture in the air which means sharp landscapes.
The 3 year old is a challenge.... I can't get him to stop making stupid faces. I have two shoot through umbrellas and 2 silver reflective umbrellas for diffusers.

This works for my son- but I didn't know the trick at 3 so not sure if it works for that age. Say "what a silly face! Lets make a deal. I'll take one silly shot for you and then you give me one nice smile, okay?"

Usually works for us!! :thumbsup;
The 3 year old is a challenge.... I can't get him to stop making stupid faces. I have two shoot through umbrellas and 2 silver reflective umbrellas for diffusers.

This works for my son- but I didn't know the trick at 3 so not sure if it works for that age. Say "what a silly face! Lets make a deal. I'll take one silly shot for you and then you give me one nice smile, okay?"

Usually works for us!! :thumbsup;

tried that with cat.........the cat lost interest
Can always take inevitable professional selfies...maybe a few peace signs and duck bills.
Shoot your kid's funny faces.

Go in the bathroom.
Close the door.
Make 10 interesting and high quality photos.

Shoot some incense smoke, and learn how to use Photoshop layer blending modes, the brush tool, and opacity adjustments to add color;


Two winters ago I used some sheets of blank sketching paper, a piece of foam board, some thumbtacks, and a gelled speedlight to make this photo.
I used the blue gel because I intended to edit the photo to B&W.


Same photo, different edit - Curves RGB channels and a Curves Preset (Color Negative)


Photograph some of your camera gear:



Photograph some furniture. Experiment with image presentation:

Try some macro shots? Have any flowers around?

Leaky seal by longm1985, on Flickr

Though I highly advise making sure your light seals are intact first...
thanks all for the suggestions.
I keep meaning to try smoke pictures so maybe I'll do that this weekend.
Lots of good ideas to keep in mind for the next bout of boredom.
I try to take uninteresting items and take interesting shots of them.. silverware, glasses.. Can you go to the store and buy some flowers? What about playing with food photography?

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