Stop telling yourself you've "lost your mojo"--that is a rationalization for doing little to nothing with your photography. If you want to get back on the right track, then do it, a step at a time, beginning today. A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. One. Single. Step. The FIRST step in the journey is as important as the 10,959th step is. Without the first step, there will be no others.
Make a goal for the day, something involving you, a camera, and a lens. Make progress toward that goal. Maybe even achieve that goal. Whatever you do, get the H.M.S. Nerwin out of port, and into open water! Do it today! Cast off the mooring lines. Back her away from the dock, then swing the bow around, head toward open water, and get that MF'ing ship under way. Act like the captain, and not some underpaid swabbie.