Jaguar Convention - Toronto


TPF Noob!
Jun 14, 2006
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Toronto, ON
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Went to a Jaguar car convention today in Toronto today...about 80-90 Jaguars, maybe 15 of which are E-Types, a couple of the new XK series...quality day. These are the shots I took with my P&S camera, but in a day or two my dad's going to send me some more 'arty' ones I took on his camera (which is much better than mine....might be a Nikon Coolpix 8800), which should hopefully turn out alright..anyway, if you enjoy classic cars, hopefully I got a couple shots for you here.

Here's a red E-type I fell in love with...out of all the ones there, I dunno, I liked the red the most. Normally, I hate sun glare, but it helps with the 'squeaky clean' appearence of it :D


This is another shot of the red E-type, this one nose-on....dunno what the rule is with lisence plates online, but I figure if he makes it that obvious, it can't be breaking any rules.

rede14cz.jpg guy there has obviously done very well for himself, I think he owned 5 E-types, came to the convention in a Ferrari and had a couple other classic Jags lying well as this replica of an old Jaguar sportscar racer, presumably that raced in le Mans-style racing. When I came around to take a shot, this little kid was inside of looks heaps better in greyscale than colour, as well. I guess it's where dreams are made :)

Wow...these are cool. I never even heard of this show. Nicely done. !!

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