Japanese Maple

Well, to me this seems a bit randomly framed and quite busy, maybe your camera has a "macro" function somewhere (usually the icon for that is a little flower), so you can get closer and maybe focus on only a few leaves against a nice, clean background?
LaFoto said:
Well, to me this seems a bit randomly framed and quite busy, maybe your camera has a "macro" function somewhere (usually the icon for that is a little flower), so you can get closer and maybe focus on only a few leaves against a nice, clean background?
What stinks is that I was using a Point and shoot camera. It had no macro feature on it, only on my film SLR.
You mean film-point-and-shoot?
For I have seen that little digital "p+s" that my niece has, and that had a flower-icon on it ... but if this was one of those film p+s cameras... well, that considering... I say that the colours are nice!
(But it makes one wish for more, doesn't it?)

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