Just "touching base"


I Burn Easily :(
Feb 4, 2004
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Queensland, Australia
Can others edit my Photos
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Hi guys - I don't come here much anymore - so I just wanted to pop in and say Hi....

I am busy with the course I am doing at the moment...

have almost finished the first semester of a four semester photography course....

am turning twenty in a few days...

yes... TWENTY

no more spoilt brat teenager for me....

sigh.... my bday is 06/06/06 this year - have been waiting for this day for so long....

yeah, I suppose I don't really have anything else to say - just HI!!!
Well that was uncomfortable.
fadingaway1986 said:
I don't wanna be 20.............................................................

i'll be oldddddddddddd................

*cries like an inconsiderate teenager*

Well that's nice, i'll just turn on the tv I have sitting on my desk at work.

SILENCE!!! Get back to furthering your education so you can one day waste your hours doing THIS at WORK!

P.S. Happy Birthday or something.
No birthday wishes as yet, in Germany it is considered bringing you bad luck if you say the wishes early, late is ok, early is not accepted, so let 06-06-06 roll around first for you. Then I say it.
But "old". :er: by 1000! Ts!

But thanks for touching bace, erm base, I am sure that deep down inside he felt flattered and really liked it. He only SAYS (because this is a public, and all in all "your friendly family ~" forum) that it hurt. :biggrin:
Hi back! :) Good to see you posting again!

And LaFoto: :lol: Thanks for the laugh up there.
Hi, And have a good birthday...

you must have been inactive for a while, i dont even know you..

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