Kitty overcomes the odds


TPF Noob!
May 4, 2006
Reaction score
Southern California
We found the kitten on the right in horrible shape. He was so young we had to bottle feed him back to health. Thankfully he has a lot of heart!

Awww... That is sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo cute! I saved one exactly 2 years ago, fed him CRM and now is a healthy and sweet kitten! Congrats on the new addition. Looking forward to see more pics.
What a cute "double portrait" of the two kitten. Their eyes have an amazing colour in both of them, and you really make that colour jump out. Wow. What did you do to enhance the colours so?
Thanks for the positive feedback! To make their eyes pop out I "selected" them in photoshop and just upped the contrast a little. Cats have such great detail and wonderful color in their eyes, I love to photograph them.
Beautiful! I love that full frame.

Very sweet - and kudos for rescuing the little guys. :heart:
Mitica100 said:
Awww... That is sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo cute! I saved one exactly 2 years ago, fed him CRM and now is a healthy and sweet kitten! Congrats on the new addition. Looking forward to see more pics.
As funny as it seems - I totally remember that! :thumbup: :) You had him in a coffee mug, as I recall. ??

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