Koni Omega Rapid


TPF Noob!
Mar 4, 2007
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I want to upgrade from my Seagull TLR but I don't want to break the bank. I don't want to get another TLR because I really don't care for the WLF. I'm considering the Koni Omega Rapid, which I consider to be an ugly camera but, aesthetics aside (the only aesthetics that count being on the film), it seems to be a pretty good camera. Prices on eBay seem to be affordable and it usually is paired with a 90mm lens that's purportedly a good piece of glass. On the down side I've heard reports that it can develop light leaks where the back joins the body, and that the rangefinder is sometimes inaccurate, necessitating the purchase of a ground glass back for focusing. Does anyone out there have any experience/opinions about this camera?
Overall these are great cameras and the glass is top notch, I use to have a complete outfit with all the goodies before I moved on to LF. Yes, the seals for the backs breakdown over time, but they are easily replaced. Just be sure to ask the condition of the range finding mechanism and that the pin used to register the lens to the ranger finder fits and functions properly.

They are a rugged camera and were the wedding photographers standard back in the day, and are probably still the best bang for the buck when it comes to a quality 6x7.
Thanks for your response.

I've been researching this camera on the internet and am growing more and more impressed by what I read.

I'm new to this forum. :-)

I agree that these are true workhorses with excellent optics. I have a few of these I'll be selling soon... lenses too. However, I'm not yet sure which ones because I'm gifting a full system to my brother.

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