You know, I just had to come back to this...OP... If you have the money to spend on a D800, I suppose more power to you, but I have to ask... If you're asking what lens you should buy for a particular camera... not just what lens, but for a particular camera, I kind of have to wonder why you're buying a $3,000 camera... and especially one as specialized as the D800.Again, if you have the money, sure... why the hell not. But, you really can't be just sticking any old glass on the front of that thing and expect it to work well. We're talking about a camera that the manufacturer basically says "Hey, you need to have this thing on a tripod... like all the time!" and you're going to buy a super-zoom for it? Frankly, (and I haven't checked), but I wonder if that lens even has the optical quality necessary to take full advantage of the D800. I'm guessing at $1,000 for that zoom range that it most likely does not.Most people buying a camera of that caliber are going to be sticking to some much better glass. If you have the budLget to go for the 24-70 2.8 or the 70-200 2.8 VR2 I think that would be more in the range you should be looking at. If you don't, then you might consider buying a lesser camera and save a few bucks to invest in the glass? D700 maybe? They're going down to like $2200 pretty soon.Again... whatever. If you've got the cash, go for it... it's just really odd to see someone spending $3K on a camera 1. Not know what lens to use, 2. Be buying THAT lens.