LightRoom or Aperture


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Aug 27, 2007
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St. Louis, Missouri, USofA
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I would like some feedback, about lightroom and Aperture. I was set to buy Lightroom, but since I am also a Mac user I thought I would consider Aperture as well since apple tends to make things quite pleasurable to use.

I know that a few people one here have or use both programs, and would love some feedback as to whitch way to go.


I downloaded the 30 day trial version of Lightroom yesterday and, so far, like what can be done with it.

If any students read this thread, can you give me some idea of the savings gained if purchased with a student card for Lightroom and PS CS3. My youngest son is senior at ECU and I thought.........
People make 30 day trials for a reason ;) My vote is for lightroom, I've seen aperture used but not used it myself.
Adobe gives you a HUGE discount through there site.

I got PS3 Extended for $300 and lightroom for $100.

You just have to email them a copy of your student ID and class schedule.
I own and use both quite often and I would have to say that I enjoy using aperture more, mainly for aesthetic reasons. I find that aperture fits much cleaner into the OSX environment, and that the application itself is laid out in a much nicer fashion. If you haven't tried it yet there is a 30 day trial available which I suggest you take advantage of. With lightroom everything seems much more cluttered and confusing to me, and I absolutely love the full screen capabilities of aperture.

Well theres my $0.02, without going to far in depth.
Thanks for all the info, I guess Ill try the 30 day trial of each. I do often find that the way apple organizes and executes things just seems to work very smoothly, and it seems that lightroom has become another industry standard set by adobe, so I'll try em both.

Seeing as I have never used either, if any distinct advantages/differences exist from either one, Id appreciate any other advice, but seeing how they are both award-winning software makers, I would thing that they are both fairly comprehensive.

I have used both, and honestly I would say it is a "pick-em". Either one does a good job, and they are both about equally easy to use.

I personally use aperture, but like Lightroom equally as well.

I would say go with whichever costs less... if all else is equal, choose the cheaper.

You won't go wrong either way.
I downloaded the 30 day trial version of Lightroom yesterday and, so far, like what can be done with it.

If any students read this thread, can you give me some idea of the savings gained if purchased with a student card for Lightroom and PS CS3. My youngest son is senior at ECU and I thought.........

Better yet just go to the college bookstore and get it. Same price and no shipping. Out store is selling lightroom for 100$
I vote aperture, i used lightroom for a while and just recent tried aperture. Love it so far, just seems a tad smoother. Both are great and operable
I'm doing the lightroom trial now. I can't say I'm in love with it. I'm going to watch some of the video tutorials tonight and see if I can't get to know it a bit better.

I'd like to try Aperture but I got in bundled with my MBP and it says my trial is over. I've never opened the darn program. It just starts as soon as you start your computer for the first time.
both are solid programs. while i've never tried aperture, i have heard great things about it (except that it's a bit of a resource hog, but then again lightroom's kinda bad about that too, just not as much). Through my experience with Lightroom I have found that, once its purposes and abilities are understood and put to use, it is EXTREMELY useful. Once you first try it out it's a little overwhelming and might not seem that great...but once you get the hang of it it's a huge help and quite fast.

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