lil samuel


TPF Noob!
Apr 30, 2006
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santa barbara ca
Can others edit my Photos
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im trying to get lighting done right but my girlfriend doesn't ever let me practise with the lights on her, and samuel doesn't like it either.

so when he was sleeping i brought him into the other room, to get some practice.

what do you guys think?
all comments welcome can't be too harsh.;) it looks really dark on this moniter, butthe prin out wasn't nearly as dark
I am a newbie so don't take my opinion too seriously but I think the light is too harsh on his little face. And the top of his head/face gets lost in the shadows. Like I said, I don't know much but that is what struck me when I looked at him. He is a cutie by the way.
Well, you have an adorable subject to work with! I agree with the previous poster that the light is a bit harsh and there needs to be addition light on the left to show where his hair ends and the background begins. What was your lighting set up? You can use a second strobe over there to fill the shadows, or a reflector will work as well :)

I'm curious as to why you left the blanket in color? To me, it doesn't add anything to the picture, and I think I would prefer it all black and white. I think selective coloring has it's place at times, but in this image is just pulls my attention away from his face, which I assume you would like to be the focal point.

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