Long ago in a place far far away...


No longer a newbie, moving up!
Jan 10, 2006
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The Great White North
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Back in '96 I travelled across the pond to Merry Olde England. While out driving in the Dartmoor National Park in Devon, I came across a lovely spot called Sheeptor (or Sheepstor, not sure which is correct) with this great old church and cemetery. I took this picture with my point-n-shoot film camera, and this is the scanned version. I still haven't figured out photoshop, so couldn't "spook up" the image. But I felt it was high time I quit just lurking on the dark side, and post something on it. So here ya go.


Thanks for looking.
What a cool lookin place Anti. Love the gravestones with the church in the background.
soo nice to see a darkside pic from ya.:thumbup: :thumbup: Hope there are more to come. :)
Nice shot, Love these old churches - Good to see ya posting here Anty! :)
well what do ya know..... anty's been walking around in my back yard! Wish i could say i recognise this one anty.... but they all look so similar over here... in fact its a spiting image of the one at the bottom of my road.... great to see a pic from my neck of the woods tho.... glad you've made your first post here :hugs:
Randog was kind enough to 'spook up' the shot for me...(thanks again Randog!) We rarely, if ever, get a church this old in Canada.


^^ Processed by Randog ^^

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