Looking for video series on photography for use in high school


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Jan 12, 2017
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I have been using a video series from 1984 for instruction in my high school photography class. It's called "The Photographic Vision" and appeared on PBS thirty years ago. The students keep complaining about the "old" videos. I also don't like the blurry VHS images. Does anyone know of a comprehensive video series that is more contemporary and suitable for school use? Thanks, Mark
The Marc Levoy lectures on Digital Photography that were revised and recorded when he presented them to Google are free. Digital Photography
There are several top end photogs with series on YouTube. But the best series I am aware of for teaching the basics of DSLR photography is one by John Greengo from Creative Live, and absolutely the very top advanced art of photography series is the 'Art of the Image' and 'Travels to the Edge' by Art Wolfe. You can buy those from either PBS, or straight from Wolfes site,
I like Marc Levoy's classes, but they are college level and way to advanced for high school (that is, unless you have a room full of geniuses). I have also looked at John Greengo's classes and they look pretty good for what you are looking for.
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I'm in a midst of watching John Greengo for photography and Ben Willmore for lightroom and photoshop on creative live. Those two are one of the most capable instructors I've seen in a long time. John's fundamentals of photography lectures are broken down into smaller 20-30 min video segments and are easily digestible. There are over 100 videos covering gear, theory, tips, artistic components front to back. The course is $200 and I'm not sure what the license terms on it but you can contact creative live and inquire.
Fundamentals of Photography with John Greengo | CreativeLive - Learn. Be Inspired.

Here is his free series on how to choose DSLR camera if you want to get an idea of his lecturing style.
How to Choose Your First DSLR Camera with John Greengo | CreativeLive - Learn. Be Inspired.
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