Lots of fashion shots with my new Nikon D70s

You've got some beautiful comps there. I don't know if it's makeup or overprosessing, but watch the skin tones. The first one is a to die for shot.
i agree that some of the skin tones are a little 'iffy', but the shots are nice! did you use a ringlight for the first shot of the second girl? what did you use to light the second one of her, and what lenses did you use? just out of curiousity :)
Thanks for the compliments and constructive crticism.

By skin tones, do you mean the brightness or the color? So that I know in the future, which specific pictures have this problem?

The first pic of the second girl was lit with a ring light, but not a ring flash. I used a silver reflector behind her for a background as I liked how it reflected but still left some of the silvery sheen showing in areas.

In the second one of the second girl, I used a 50mm Nikkor lens 1.8f with a warm filter. The lighting is natural light from a window, with a white photoflex disc below her chest

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