Love of my life


TPF Noob!
May 17, 2006
Reaction score
Jason at Balboa Park on June 11th

We were just browsing the park and I noticed this place was more than perfect for a portrait. I'm so blessed that he never whines about having a photographer as a girlfriend and future wife


comments and constructive criticism are welcome
^^^ the repetition of that post is too funny! Nice colours, nice relaxed pose, cute guy.
ShelleySnapz said:
um...your lucky gal...I couldnt tell you other elements in the photo if I TRIED!! He's a babe!

Wow thank you:)

Ahhh isn't he? :D :lovey: :heart: :heart: :heart: The best part is he doesn't KNOW it ;)
great picture!!! and please tell me... was it taken with a kit lens???
You have a very handsome man there and hopefully his personality is as sweet as he looks to make him even more handsome for you!! This is a great pose..the shadow on his face is a little strong and the sun is in his eyes causing him to squint..just keep an eye out for where the sun is so that you can angle him or come back at an earlier/later time in the day. Other than that, really great pose and clarity in the photo.
MommyOf4Boys said:
You have a very handsome man there and hopefully his personality is as sweet as he looks to make him even more handsome for you!! This is a great pose..the shadow on his face is a little strong and the sun is in his eyes causing him to squint..just keep an eye out for where the sun is so that you can angle him or come back at an earlier/later time in the day. Other than that, really great pose and clarity in the photo.

Awww thank you:) I've had many a boyfriend, and he is BY FAR the sweetest man I've ever met:mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: Beautiful inside and out.

Thank you for the helpful tips about lighting, tips to help without having to buy anything:wink: :lol:
this is a very nice shot, portrays him well. My only thoughts is that a fill in flash would have helped wonders for the shadows on him.....

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