Major Adobe Photshop issues.

Oct 18, 2013
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newark ohio
Can others edit my Photos
Photos NOT OK to edit
Hello, Recently I am editing photo's in Adobe Photoshop CC and realize my pics are grainy and is awful and makes it there hard to edit photos.

A. Buy a calibrator.

B. See what you suggest.
Would you mind posting a few so that the friendly people here at TPF may better understand your issues?
I don't really see anything I wouldn't expect to be honest... Image quality-wise that is.

The images are a bit underexposed which introduces unnecessary noise.
Noise in the shadow areas is always stronger/easier to see. You're only at ISO200, in this case increasing your ISO might give you less noise. (Yes, increasing your ISO might give better noise results if a small increase means better exposure).

Besides that problem I think you simply missed focus on the images which makes the subject not really sharp... In the first image this is easiest to see as the person in the background is really sharp but your subject isn't. The fact that you're using a really large aperture doesn't help here as that makes focussing harder. You probably did it to get more light in, which seems like a valid reason... You just need to take extra care while focussing.

A calibrated screen helps, but I think you might improve your image quality more by tweaking your camera controls. :)
I had a close look at the first one...and as mentioned, the subject is out of focus. It looks like you focused behind her, as the background (girl in the back etc) look sharper than the girl in the front.

I don't know why it would look any different to you, when viewed in Photoshop....what are you comparing it to? If it's the back LCD on the camera, that screen is just too small to really get a good sense of how sharp it is, unless you zoom in a lot.
Hello, Recently I am editing photo's in Adobe Photoshop CC and realize my pics are grainy and is awful and makes it there hard to edit photos.

Take better pictures from the start.
Maybe he was TRYING to shoot the lady with the mic in the background. Gees guys, come on, anyone can tell she is the main attraction! :mrgreen:

Is that Jennifer Lopez btw?

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