Menomonee Falls


TPF Noob!
Apr 6, 2006
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The Mighty Midwest
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These were taken on a little trail right off the Menomonee River, about a week ago... I've just been so busy I havent had a chance to post them yet...



3. I really like this one, except for the twigs in the foreground. Are they too distracting? or am I just being crazy?

4. This is Menomonee Falls... impressive, eh? :lol:

5. An interesting tree



8. Another favorite of mine

Thanks for looking! I would really appreciate any comments/critiques!
The twigs are distracting in 3. What are the metal bars for on the last shot?
nice series, looks like a very pretty area...
Cool series Wendy. Nicely captured. Looks like a great place to go hiking.
I'm afraid that yes, those twigs in 3 are quite distracting. It isn't only you being nitpicky about your own photo ... sorry.
But these look like you were on a wonderful hike ... only all I seem to "feel" when I look at photos such as this one these days is mosquitos all around me.
(Seems like Germany is getting hit by particularly MANY and particularly AGGRESSIVE mosquitos this year that really make being out in the woods a PAIN ... and a skin itching all over afterwards!)

I guess those metal bars in the last once held a bench?
hey there, just curious to know where in the world Menomonee River is?
it looks very similar to my old mans backyard!
Germany is getting hit by particularly MANY and particularly AGGRESSIVE mosquitos this year
i didnt think europe had bugs, i thought they where all here in aus!!!lol where bouts in germany are you?
WOULD love a trip to Germany Corinna!!! I see and hear its such a gorgeous place..

Anyway, these pictures make me feel very relaxing like I could just sit and enjoy some quiet time! nicely done...
@lil dvl: I am in the north of Germany, halfway between the cities of Hamburg (to the northeast) and Bremen (to the southwest). And there's only countryside around here - and many mosquitos this summer. Ugh!

Sorry, Wendy. Back to your pictures now :D.
Menomonee Falls is in Wisconsin... part of the great Midwest. There were actually not too many mosquitoes that day as long as you stayed on the path. Once I got off the trail and was bitten by a few, but overall not too bad.
Yes, the last picture is the structure of a bench without the actual bench part. I thought it looked rather neat. Thanks guys so much for all the comments! :)

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