How much are they asking for it? If it's cheap and you want the focal length then you might as well go for it. I was also looking for a 500mm for very little money, and thought a 'proper' 500mm as opposed to a mirror lens would give me better image quality. It didn't quite work out that way - it's still a cheap no-name lens that produces 'ok' rather than especially good images, and with the disadvantage that (unlike a mirror lens) I can't just carry it around along with my other lenses, or in fact shoot at all without a big heavy tripod.
Again if you really need a 500mm lens on a budget then you might as well get the Makinon as anything else. My advice though is to consider whether you actually need that focal length, because although that lens will do the job when used correctly in the right conditions, it will be slow and unwieldy. It might just be easier, where possible, to go closer to the subject. If you do decide you need 500mm then imo the only way to get value is to either spend very little money on a lens that 'does the job', or spend a lot on a good one.