Miss me?

Back at the trusty lake i see...
of course!
favorite place ever..

I can relate to that, there was a lake in NY i used to go to almost every day. I actually saw a legit UFO there once with my buddy, but neither of us had our cameras on us so no one really believes us.
haha yeaah, this one's walking distance from my house, so why not go?!

I don't believe you!
I miss the rabbit more ;)

Naw just kidding - but yeah er what Erose and the others said regarding that flower. Otherwise I'd say your best weapon (aside from several books on artistic/photographic composition) is to outline the idea/intent behind your photos - at least let us try to understand what you are presenting to us.

Also -- needs more rabbit.
hahaha just saw this.
I'll go out sometime and take pics of Nibbles =p
of course!
favorite place ever..

I can relate to that, there was a lake in NY i used to go to almost every day. I actually saw a legit UFO there once with my buddy, but neither of us had our cameras on us so no one really believes us.


That's generally the reaction i get, but im quite serious about it actually. It was an unbelievable light beam that easily blocked out the moon. It's hard to describe and harder to believe, but it is true. We saw a few lights, what looked like 3 airplanes flying above and thought nothing of it, 15-20 minutes later they were still flying in circles then a massive beam of light shone down from between the lights and started moving over the lake towards us. We looked at each other and without saying a word ran as fast as we could through the woods in the pitch black to the car and drove off... UFO hunters actually filmed an episode at this exact same place.

YouTube - ‪UFO Hunters S01E08 - Vortexes(FULL)‬‏

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