N nygus TPF Noob! Joined Mar 14, 2006 Messages 9 Reaction score 0 Location Poznan, Poland May 17, 2006 #1 Some new photos from Moldova in my gallery. You can see rest on www.nygus.info : 1. 2. 3.
T TTPeter TPF Noob! Joined May 11, 2006 Messages 221 Reaction score 0 May 17, 2006 #2 great pics kolega, nice to see some plish users here, where is Moldova near? edit : never mind Poznan
great pics kolega, nice to see some plish users here, where is Moldova near? edit : never mind Poznan
OP OP N nygus TPF Noob! Joined Mar 14, 2006 Messages 9 Reaction score 0 Location Poznan, Poland May 17, 2006 #3 is not so near to Poznan. actually, about 1500 km or so, Republic of Moldova borders Romania and Ukraine.
is not so near to Poznan. actually, about 1500 km or so, Republic of Moldova borders Romania and Ukraine.
Unimaxium TPF Noob! Joined Nov 13, 2004 Messages 2,689 Reaction score 22 Location Northeastern University, originally from Philly Website www.flickr.com Can others edit my Photos Photos OK to edit May 17, 2006 #4 Great shots! I love the last one. Great colors in all of them. And for anyone who needs to know where Moldova is: http://www.sheppardsoftware.com/European_Geography.htm
Great shots! I love the last one. Great colors in all of them. And for anyone who needs to know where Moldova is: http://www.sheppardsoftware.com/European_Geography.htm
D danalec99 TPF Noob! Joined Mar 14, 2004 Messages 8,345 Reaction score 69 Can others edit my Photos Photos NOT OK to edit May 17, 2006 #5 The last one is neat! The "Goat" shot is funny . Cool perspective!! Reminded me of a frame from "Men in Black". You might want to convert the image in to black and white, do a bit of burning here and there for an attempt to make the goat stand out.
The last one is neat! The "Goat" shot is funny . Cool perspective!! Reminded me of a frame from "Men in Black". You might want to convert the image in to black and white, do a bit of burning here and there for an attempt to make the goat stand out.