I have seen your photography on here before and I think it is all really well done. A couple of things about your website -- since this is about your website...
You should invest in your own hosting and get a domain name. This is as little as $5-10 a month for hosting and $8 for a domain name. The freebie domain name and banners ads scream novice in any business.
As part of your domain purchase, you can get a domain email (morgan@morganbossphotography.com) address. Again, this just adds to the professionalism.
Lose the GuestBook. This also screams personal site and is what we refer to in my web design forums as "1993 web design"
On your contact page, remove your email before you get hit by the spam bots. They are nasty and will start sending you thousands of email a day (trust me, I found out the hard way). Instead insert a contact form.
These are of course just suggestions, but I am pretty experienced in web development, so I wanted to pass on some pointers that I had to discover.