Multiple Personality


Mental case
Dec 14, 2003
Reaction score
F@cking Hell
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So I got together with myself and we decided to take a quick snap of us at the cemetery.


Always wanted to try this technique, and I figured it was a slow day at the cemetery, so I gave it a shot...or five. :lmao: :lmao:
Awesome of ya'll, Cannuck! ... eh?

Dang ... you have some loooooooong hair ... dig that!
great shots...all of ya'll!! love the thought of 5 chillers..!!

gotta tell ya chiller....the one of you kneeling..? ( ok, watch it...)
i would have to have the other 4 pull me back up.....from that position...

dang dude...your hair is just looking awesome.... would love to braid that sucker...or straighten it...that would be fun....

is that not the cross close to the entrance to your lair???

hey, wait.. thats in our back yard, aint it? can you get shots of angel flying in his room???
man how many lightsiders are you gettin through now?! :lol: .... good ps skills chiller you got this bang on :thumbup:
Thanks everyone.
Anti...ya just reminded me or MR that place still there. ??
April...silly girl...this is from the back deck of the mansion. It overlooks the cavern of cadavours
Arch... I can chase em down 5 at a time now.
Jon...still learnin ps man. I do a lot of "step back" no not the dance dude.
Well it's good to know that at least one of you...doesn't like having their picture taken :lol:
Good job buddy...I like this one.
Woody...yeah...I have had problems with that personality for a long time. Tends to be a bit anti-social at times. Most of my personalities are o.k to deal with , but that one. Gheesh...

Thanks LInda, and Fate.
Anti....I have not been to Mr Greenjeans for years. Wow...I thought it was toast.
Great shot man !! How nice of y'all to go visit Chiller6 under the slab there. The more I see on here the more I realize I've gotta get digital and PS! Super job with this one Carl...

Thanks D Dave. We went out for lunch after that, and ordered a dinner for 5 . Waitress could not figure that one out, cause she only saw the one of me.
Chiller said:
Woody...yeah...I have had problems with that personality for a long time. Tends to be a bit anti-social at times. Most of my personalities are o.k to deal with , but that one. Gheesh

What do ya mean Im anti-social. And to go public with it. :grumpy:

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