My baby came back!!


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Sep 2, 2003
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I sent my Agfa Super Isolette off to Jurgen Kreckel (? spelling) for a CLA. I was prepared to wait three weeks or more, but he had it CLA'd, with *new* tan bellows (!) added and returned to me in less than 2 weeks.

I came home Friday and there was my package. I dropped everything and headed out to run a roll of film through it. I'd been worried about my rangefinder, as it was clearly out of adjustment when I got it. But it was perfect again. The focusing ring turns smoothly again. I didn't actually need new bellows, the original ones were clearly still light-tight, but I figured, Get it over with!! :lol: And these butter-soft tan bellows in the black body look hella cool. :thumbup:

I highly recommend this guy for folder CLA, btw. He was fast and thorough. My camera was pretty clean, but now it's ready for another 50 years. Just as advertised. ;)

I love my Isolette!!! My negatives are briar-sharp and perfectly placed, I love the film advance system on this thing. The shutter is Rollei-like in its quietness.

Okay, I'm done gushing now. I can't wait to take him on vacation. :lovey: And he needs a new case, somehow.
Congrats Terri! :D Can't wait to see more pics coming up.

Funny thing, you mention your camera as being a 'he' or a 'him'. I guess we (almost) always develop a strong relationship with the opposite gender, all my cameras are 'she'. Interesting, isn't it?

Congrats again.
I want better pics from that camera, too, trust gets pretty dull going up and down the road, having to stand on the O-dog's leash so my hands are free to blow off a few shots... :lol:

And I don't know why the Isolette is a "him". I don't know that I've bonded in such a manner with my other cameras. My old cars now, though, they're all "girls". Well, "old girls" as a matter of fact. :mrgreen:

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