My contribution for the week


TPF Noob!
Jul 27, 2004
Reaction score
Brooklin, Ontario, Canuckia
Can others edit my Photos
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I’m totally exhausted after a tough week at work. Most days I carry the camera but this week allowed me few opportunities to shoot and this si about all I have to show for my efforts.

I had to resort to shooting Seagulls yesterday





At least today I was able to chase a Hawk around a little but I’m not really happy with the images. At least it kept me occupied on the way home.





Where is the sunshine, more crappy weather tomorrow :( Don’t the weather gods know I have the day off.

Great series for crappy light conditions, 2,4 & 8 for me, hope it brightens up for ya' :thumbup:
such a pretty gull there!
There is a red tailed hawk I have been itching to shoot...actually a couple of them, I see them when I go to work almost daily...Wish they didnt hang out by the highway/thruway!
ShelleySnapz said:
such a pretty gull there!
There is a red tailed hawk I have been itching to shoot...actually a couple of them, I see them when I go to work almost daily...Wish they didnt hang out by the highway/thruway!

Ya, Just try and stop to shoot one, he will be gone before you can turn the camera on. They have been driving me nuts and I see at least a dozen a day on my travels. Every time I stop they are gone like a rocket. Still, it will not keep me from trying and one day I will get the shot I’m looking for and all the other frustrating times will be worth it.

Well, for some, when "all they can resort to is shooting seagulls", their photos still come out brilliantly, pin-sharp, extremely close-up and good. And this gull was "made-up" in its finest, I should think, hm? Wow. And there I am, trying to get a decent pic of the sparrows in our garden, and all I ever get are snapshots... :confused:

And the hawk ... well.
I know the story.
You'd have to go into hiding and hold out there for hours I think (you do that at times, don't you?), else... no chance.
beautiful as always eric :)

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