My first Digital Camera (1990)

They HAD digital cameras in 1990? I'm scared to know how much that thing cost! :lol:

I know it wasn't THAT many years ago that a 3.1 megapixel camera cost my boyfriend around $900.
THe first CCD chips were around in he 70s.

I believe around 100x100 pixels.


First astronomical CCD picture - 100x100 px and an 8 inch telescope 1974
I bought a Kodak DC50 in the mid 90s. It was a whopping 0.3 megapixels, and cost as much as my Canon 20D did.
Here is a question...

Back in the good ol' days of the cold war in the late '60s and early '70s...

How did they change the film in the spy satellites?
Soocom1 said:
How did they change the film in the spy satellites?
Catapulted a space monkey into orbit

Are you sure there were spy satellites that recorded on film during 60s and 70s? :meh:
Now they use 4GB Sandisk Ultra II memory cards with 22MP CCD's getting 30 images to a card. One of the new 'secret' shuttles stops by every half hour to change all the cards over.:-P

A bit like the live moon landing where they brought the film back so we could all watch it live later, er yeah, that's how it works. :shock:

Sorry, can't help myself, well, maybe I don't want to....:blushing:

Arrgghhh, smiley overload!
Soocom1 said:
Here is a question...

Back in the good ol' days of the cold war in the late '60s and early '70s...

How did they change the film in the spy satellites?

Correct me if I'm wrong.... The satellites returned the film canisters and there was a team that recovered it before they landed. Once it made re-entry, you better catched the film, because it was very hard to destroy. Once your film canisters were spent, you ended up with space junk as there was no way to go back and refill.... an expensive single use camera!
core_17 said:
They HAD digital cameras in 1990? I'm scared to know how much that thing cost! :lol:

I know it wasn't THAT many years ago that a 3.1 megapixel camera cost my boyfriend around $900.

Vaguely remember it costing around US1000-2000 (at about 2 U.S. dollars to the British pound)..and it output BMP or TIFF images which we imported into Ventura Publisher running on DOS.

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