my first share


TPF Noob!
Dec 22, 2010
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if you see something PLEASE cc! this is my third maternity i've ever done.. the first time was a complete disaster and even done in AUTO LOL..
i just can't find the right crop for this first one.. i had my iso set to 400, and i get lots of noise with it. ( i can't wait to get a prime)

heres a few.



(i wish his head wasn't chopped:( this is a camera crop)

these are all done with natural light:) cc away! i can take it i swear!!!
very nice, especially the contrast in the third pic!
Cool, it seems you do photography very well, those are really high quality shots and i wish to do something similar or closer to my family, i don't have a pregnant wife anymore and even they are not willing to pose for me like those. And your workflow is nice, as i said, it seems you know what to do and i don't believe you suck in that, keep going or practicing, third time and it seems you are a pro, then what do you need more?!!!

Good luck!
I think these are well done; they're a bit different in that the monochrome conversion gives them (at least to me) a grittier feel, however, I think they're very strong images, and that this could easily become a 'style' for you. Very nicely executed conversions as well!
I think these are excellent images. My only critique would be on the 3rd picture. The ruffles on the top of the frame drag your eyes to it. Maybe a different curtain since Cloning these out would be near impossible. Overall great pictures. I enjoyed them very much.
Beautiful! I wish I'd had maternity shots done while pregnant :meh:
You did some good stuff in the pics. The thing I wanted to suggest is in regards to your comment about the noise and wanting to get a prime. A prime lens would be great but in looking at your equipment I would save money to upgrade cameras. Something like the new D7000 will give you more flexibility in ISO range. You will benefit greatly from having a camera that will allow you to get great shots using at least ISO 800 when necessary. Plus if you do a lot of natural light with some fill flash you will find the High Speed sync speeds to be very helpful.
thank you all! i am planning on upgrading my camera to either the d90 or d7000 by feb HOPEFULLY! lol. it's tax season, and i should have enough to buy the body and a prime. the reason i suggested a prime, is so i could open up a bit more so not to have a high iso, and get more bokeh too:) deffinetly kwym tho!
1 2 and 4 are great!
This will sound like a super duper nit pick (because it is but just a suggestion ;) ) But for the last one if you rotate it just even .5 inch it will make a bit of difference. As it is every time I look at it for some reason I just feel like it's a bit crooked. Like I said - just me being super picky but maybe try it, see if you like it :) I really love the first one and I like black and whites with lots of contrast, very cool!
I like the composition of the first picture - that one looks great.
Great pictures. I personally see no need to a crop in picture 1, I like it just how it is!

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