My first wedding of 2012


TPF Noob!
Sep 28, 2009
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Canada , Edmonton, AB
Can others edit my Photos
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Hello everyone!

Hope you all having a good weekend so far,

so last week, i have done my first wedding of 2012, and it went smoothly well and i was happy with the pictures...

So, here is few samples of the pictures, any feed back would be greatly appreciated!! one thing i really hated, the sun was harsh, so i was not able to use my flashes quite often, since am flash junkie so it was a downgrade for me :(






They all look soft.

Image 1 has movement in it and I find the fence a distraction.
Image 2 is just plain brutal
Image 3 I like the angle, not the ash tray stand in the back
Image 4 Idea is ok, room is too slanted
Image 5 Too washed out and she doesn't have that I'm happy to be getting married look
Image 6 It's too washed out and flat.

Do you shoot a lot of weddings? I wouldn't really be too thrilled to have these photos handed to me. It just looks like you are missing some of the basics of working with light.
Thanks for your feedback...

This is basically my first full day coverage wedding i have done, i have done 6 weddings so far, and 4 to come this year..


They all look soft.

Image 1 has movement in it and I find the fence a distraction.
Image 2 is just plain brutal
Image 3 I like the angle, not the ash tray stand in the back
Image 4 Idea is ok, room is too slanted
Image 5 Too washed out and she doesn't have that I'm happy to be getting married look
Image 6 It's too washed out and flat.

Do you shoot a lot of weddings? I wouldn't really be too thrilled to have these photos handed to me. It just looks like you are missing some of the basics of working with light.
Keep an eye out for vertical elements in the backgrounds, things like walls and fences. They really make it obvious when you have the camera tilted. My personal feeling is tilted shots should be done on purpose and planned, anything else is trying to make up for not paying attention to details.
Keep an eye out for vertical elements in the backgrounds, things like walls and fences. They really make it obvious when you have the camera tilted. My personal feeling is tilted shots should be done on purpose and planned, anything else is trying to make up for not paying attention to details.

i totally agrees with you about this statement! it kinda bothered me too, but the face expression were nice, so it kinda balanced the equation if you know what i mean. Though,i totally understand what you trying to say!

You have any other shots? Not really feeling most of these.
How much JPEG compression (quality scale) did you do to these before uploading? I'm seeing JPEG artifacts everywhere.
I checked a couple of them...and the file size was very small (less than 30KB) I'd guess that you compressed these way too much and it's killing the quality.

Fix that, then we can look at the other aspects of the photos.
How much JPEG compression (quality scale) did you do to these before uploading? I'm seeing JPEG artifacts everywhere.
I checked a couple of them...and the file size was very small (less than 30KB) I'd guess that you compressed these way too much and it's killing the quality.

Fix that, then we can look at the other aspects of the photos.

You should enroll for Mike's photography class too. Since your in Edmonton and all, just saying. But Mike probably has a good point about the compression.
Big Mike said:
How much JPEG compression (quality scale) did you do to these before uploading? I'm seeing JPEG artifacts everywhere.
I checked a couple of them...and the file size was very small (less than 30KB) I'd guess that you compressed these way too much and it's killing the quality.

Fix that, then we can look at the other aspects of the photos.

You think I will give to my clients a 30 KB file size? LOL!

Those were quick uploads, I saved the files in a small size in order to be uploaded faster here.

I will try to upload some soon.
DiskoJoe said:
You should enroll for Mike's photography class too. Since your in Edmonton and all, just saying. But Mike probably has a good point about the compression.

Not to offend a anyone who has a workshop. But I don't not believe in those. Simply because for me, I pay large amount of money, and I learn very few things. I rather save that money, and spend it on a date.

If you wanna learn quick, be a second photographer and learn of how the main photographer do his job! Or YouTube or asking questions here. For me I found it very helpful then attend any classes.

I will upload some more soon.
Hello everyone!

Hope you all having a good weekend so far,

so last week, i have done my first wedding of 2012, and it went smoothly well and i was happy with the pictures...

So, here is few samples of the pictures, any feed back would be greatly appreciated!! one thing i really hated, the sun was harsh, so i was not able to use my flashes quite often, since am flash junkie so it was a downgrade for me :(

That's probably when you have to use your flash the most. On poses with the couple together, I guarantee you(as I've done it) that you can light them up with one OCF(I use the canon 580 EXII) majority of the time...even on harsh sun. On harsh sun I always start with 1/2 power flash, camera settings are F12~F13, 1/200~1/250. Flash on a monopod or a light stand with a 24inch softbox about 4-5 feet from the couple. Offcourse settings may vary depending on your style but those are my references and I just adjust accordingly.

I prefer natural light myself...but that's another story :D

Regarding your images, I like#1 and #3 with emotions there...very nice shots! The others need more umph in expression(Some love, touchy touchy...feely feely stuff). A few are actually very fashionable, but I think you need to feature your couple more in your images as it is about them. :thumbup:
DiskoJoe said:
You should enroll for Mike's photography class too. Since your in Edmonton and all, just saying. But Mike probably has a good point about the compression.

Not to offend a anyone who has a workshop. But I don't not believe in those. Simply because for me, I pay large amount of money, and I learn very few things. I rather save that money, and spend it on a date.

If you wanna learn quick, be a second photographer and learn of how the main photographer do his job! Or YouTube or asking questions here. For me I found it very helpful then attend any classes.

I will upload some more soon.

I dont believe in fairies either but Mike is already schooling you here for free. So obviously he has knowledge that could benefit you. And really it was more of a joke since yall are in the same town.
I'm sorry, but wedding pictures on a chain link fence just don't seem professional. If its what they wanted, then so be it. But it really degrades the image
Dillard said:
I'm sorry, but wedding pictures on a chain link fence just don't seem professional. If its what they wanted, then so be it. But it really degrades the image

Please read the pervious comments about why I selected that picture.

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