Hello everyone!
I'm new to photography and to this forum. I bought tripod today and thought to test it. So I've made some pictures in the dark. I have Nikon D50 and I set the aperture to F4.5 and exposure was 30'' and ISO 200. When I watch this picture, I have a feeling that this picture is very noisy. Please can you check this picture and give your opinion about noisiness...or I'm worring too much...
You can see the photo here http://jaxx.pri.ee/DSC_0391.JPG
I'm new to photography and to this forum. I bought tripod today and thought to test it. So I've made some pictures in the dark. I have Nikon D50 and I set the aperture to F4.5 and exposure was 30'' and ISO 200. When I watch this picture, I have a feeling that this picture is very noisy. Please can you check this picture and give your opinion about noisiness...or I'm worring too much...
You can see the photo here http://jaxx.pri.ee/DSC_0391.JPG