My Son From a Beginner


TPF Noob!
Dec 20, 2007
Reaction score
Minneapolis, MN
Can others edit my Photos
Photos OK to edit
Hello All!

complete Newbie here!

I have just a wonderful subject to practice on! This is probably my most favorite photo of my son. I'm completely new at this and just wonder if anyone else would like it as much as I do.

I understand there may be a composition issue with the "stuff" in the left corner background. I am so new to photo editing and am actually taking a class next month!! I'm very excited to hear others thoughts on my photo. Thanks!

Ok, I guess I can't upload from snapfish? It shows in my preview but not when I post. can anyone help? Thanks!

and sorry!
that link doesn't work even when I just put it in the navigation bar.
Try using photobucket.
Well dang, I think ya nailed the focus and exposure on this on. I only have one complaint and that is the composition. His eyes are almost dead center. But they are such a brilliant blue my eyes are drawn to them anyway. Keep going, wanna see more :)
Thank you for replying! I didn't even realize the issue with his eyes being in the center. Great tip for the future! I really appreciate it.

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