Need Help Planning


TPF Noob!
Dec 13, 2008
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Hey guys, I have to call on you to help me plan for a trip to Washington, Venice, and a Greek Cruise (all one trip). I have the equipment in my sig, and 8gb of memory. What more do I need? I know more memory and I am going to get a pelican studio cruzer for my laptop. Thanks.

Another big question is for my mom, all she will shoot w/ will be a D90 and 16-85, my old kit. I am wondering, would it be better to get her a 17-55, or a wideangle like the 11-16.
Washington state or DC? If you're coming to the state, bring an umbrella. Sounds like a fun trip though.
Anyone going on a cruise from Washington STATE to Venice ITALY deserves our sympathies.

The equipment you have is fine - theres no need for anything else unless you two plan on going your seperate ways and will not have access to your equipment.
Think very carefully about what you bring. You will kick yourself if you bring too much stuff and hurt your back and end up miserable. The amount of gear you shoot with on a day-to-day basis is not guaranteed to be reflective of the amount of stuff you will be comfortable carrying when traveling. I'd suggest leaving the 70-200 at home, and not bringing the tripod unless you really think you can't live without it.
I am kinda looking for her, w/ the 16-85 or 17-55 and 10.5 fish or 11-16?
Dont forget an cant plug your battery charger in over there without one. And spend the money for a good filtered one. The power over there is horrible, sporadic, and spikey.

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