Need some editing help


No longer a newbie, moving up!
Dec 20, 2011
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newcastle, ontario
Can others edit my Photos
Photos NOT OK to edit
Guys, i use adobe elements and am trying to figure out the best way to remove the foreground fence lines? I know we have some experts on here so i'm asking how you would do it. Attached is a sample photo to work with.
There is no best way and with elements, I am not sure there is any way.
Honestly? Try cropping it out and see what's left. The info isn't there. Then there's the flare...
You can try using the lasso tool and make a selection around the flared areas. Then feather the selection at something like 200 pixels and use levels to adjust the contrast. You can move the selection (or make new ones) and do levels again until you get the best result. You're not likely to get it all, but it will look better.
Looks like cropping the photo would be the answer, but there are also carious ways to remove objects from photos, here is a whole article about that. Are you sure you absolutely need to remove them, though? To me it seems like a nice part of the composition.
Thanks Guys. I tried a few things, dehazed the photo first then spot healed here and there to try and remove a touch more and upped the contrast a bit more.

But cropped down it works as well
The zigzags are obvious cloning artifacts along with some sharp edges, leaves appearing out of nowhere, branches beginning and ending in space... well actually, the whole background is a bit of a mess, so the cropped version works much better, like you said. That one's a pretty good result!
The zigzags are obvious cloning artifacts along with some sharp edges, leaves appearing out of nowhere, branches beginning and ending in space... well actually, the whole background is a bit of a mess, so the cropped version works much better, like you said. That one's a pretty good result!

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