Need some user advice - Canon 350D


TPF Noob!
Jan 31, 2006
Reaction score
Kent, UK
Anyone out there got a 350D?? Reason I ask is I am looking to switch to digital but need some advice on what seems best? Am I right in saying this camera is slightly smaller than any of the others? Can you get battery packs for them etc etc etc, general shop advice from someone who owns one if poss :)

I have a 350D and find it very easy to use (menu set up etc.). You can get extra battery packs very easily, cheapest place for canon own brand ones is ebay but the batteries last so long that I doubt you'll need the spare very often prices on them range from about £10 for the cheap and cheerful with no life to about £30 for the canon own brand with a long life. The grip is a little small for me as I have big hands but that's about my only grip with it really.
If you buy it and you have larger hands I recommend getting the grip as well. Even if you dont have large hands the grip is great cos it has a vertical shutter relaease button and can hold two lithium batteries so you dont have to recharge often as the cam feeds off both batteries.
When you say grip are we talking about the battery pack that attachs to the bottom of the camera?? I had a look at one earlier and it seems smaller than the other SLR's does this give it a look of being not the full ticket???
JayP said:
When you say grip are we talking about the battery pack that attachs to the bottom of the camera?? I had a look at one earlier and it seems smaller than the other SLR's does this give it a look of being not the full ticket???
Yep...battery grip definitely beefs it up a notch
I've been looking at the D50 now online and it looks pretty good. I have some questions though. Can you get Battery packs for them (that attach to the bottom) also can you attach (via adaptors or not) Canon EOS lenses. I've been searching about but can't find anything. I have alot of EOS 35mm kit which I don't want to go to waste, at the same time, selling it all now wouldn't even get me a lens!

I have a 350D as well, and this camera totally fits me. I think i have decent sized hands, but the grip fits me well. i do like it that it's lighter and smaller, it's a little more versatile that way.

I'm thinking I'm going to buy another battery soon, because I can't take a whole day of pictures. Especially if you are using autofocus and/or flash, it eats up the batteries. Another battery is recommended, and it's really easy to find.

Right now, B&H is selling the camera (w/o lense) for $689.99. Canon is also doing a mail in rebate of $100, so that will get you the camera for $589.99 :) Looks like a steal to me.

Feel free to ask more questions! Good luck!
there is actually a battery grip for nikon d50 but without vertical shutter release. On canon's grip you can simply rotate the camera and there you have a button which you press to take photo (on the grip) so it's easier to shoot vertically. Nikon doesn't have the button there. only space for batteries.
Hi peeps, thanks for all the replies! Great help guys.

I'm still unsure about teh 350D I have a 300v EOS at the mo with a battery pack and it seems smaller than that and I have big hands so even the 300v looks small when holding it, but it seems about right.

I have been looking at a second hand D1 which seems to come out at the same price roughly.

Thing is the lenses seem to cost so much for Nikon! unless someone has some good hints and tips on here!
all my work is shot on a 350d check it out at drop me a email via the site if youve got any more questions. the camera its self is a little small but so long as you dont have tree tunk fingers you should get on fine

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