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Needing more practice in shutter mode.


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Mar 13, 2024
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Trying to do high shutter speed shots in the yard today, these were around 1250. Couldn't nail any of them cleanly there's still motion blur. Need a lot more practice at this...

Edgar Friendly the Currawong,

Mr's Magpie,

Even tried doing the bunnys, Binky.
You and me both !! The dragonfly in flight thread in particular has relit my interest in high shutter sharp shots, need to read up on the benefits of electronic vs mechanical as well (apart from the silent operation.....faster continuous shooting I assume?).

No.2 for me - looks great! I:d be very happy indeed with that :encouragement:
I have never used that myself. I would be lost in either aperture or shutter. I have found, for me, manual mode with all the adjustments available gives me a better chance. This shot was at 600mm, f6.3, 1/5000s at ISO 5000 in manual. I realize your subject is shutter mode but I wanted to offer my thoughts.

It's a nice set, and the motion blur really isn't all that noticeable. Experiment with 1600 and 2000, 1250 is right on the edge, and I find 2000 gives a better result.
You and me both !! The dragonfly in flight thread in particular has relit my interest in high shutter sharp shots, need to read up on the benefits of electronic vs mechanical as well (apart from the silent operation.....faster continuous shooting I assume?).

No.2 for me - looks great! I:d be very happy indeed with that :encouragement:
Yeah continuous, the d5600 is only 5fps and really slow at acquiring subjects i think. Think im being held back by this camera?

I have never used that myself. I would be lost in either aperture or shutter. I have found, for me, manual mode with all the adjustments available gives me a better chance. This shot was at 600mm, f6.3, 1/5000s at ISO 5000 in manual. I realize your subject is shutter mode but I wanted to offer my thoughts.

I was getting really confused/frustrated yesterday with settings, there were little puffs of cloud rolling past the sun all afternoon and changing the lighting on me every few minutes. Then theres the dappled afternoon shade in the backyard on top of that. The birds and bunnys would fly and hop in between all of these conditions while i was shooting so id end up with underexposed shots too.

I'll have a go at manual today, what's the bird in your shot there?
It's a nice set, and the motion blur really isn't all that noticeable. Experiment with 1600 and 2000, 1250 is right on the edge, and I find 2000 gives a better result.
More speed it is then jeff, so nothing below 1600👍. I get worried about having high ISO on D5600. Especially if there's shade in play.
Yeah continuous, the d5600 is only 5fps and really slow at acquiring subjects i think. Think im being held back by this camera?
That is why I upgraded my EOS 2000D to a EOS 90D and then an EOS R7, more fps for speed shooting. It became very evident when trying to get birds in flight with the 2000D, when I would get three frames and then is would go into writing mode and stop. The 90D did a decent job. But then I wanted more... 😂 Yeah, higher ISO is the downside of faster shutter speeds, which is why I got Topaz Denoise AI.
I don't know, look at the eye on the second bird. Looks pretty in focus to me!
That is why I upgraded my EOS 2000D to a EOS 90D and then an EOS R7, more fps for speed shooting. It became very evident when trying to get birds in flight with the 2000D, when I would get three frames and then is would go into writing mode and stop. The 90D did a decent job. But then I wanted more... 😂 Yeah, higher ISO is the downside of faster shutter speeds, which is why I got Topaz Denoise AI.

It's not just having more frames, but also closer frames.
Higher end, newer cameras achieve faster fps so even less lag between shots. So as you get more experienced with a certain subject and improve your timing; you can find its easier to get "the moment".

On the subject of mechanical vs electronic shutters; electronic can be faster, but it can also introduce rolling into the shot where fast moving parts bend. You can really see this on helicopter blades that will "bend" even though they were shot fast enough to be sharp. This is because the camera reads the sensor in lines not as one whole sensor readout at once. With superfast motion the object is able to move faster than the camera can read the lines on the sensor and thus things "bend".
Mechanical helps reduce this effect Electronic shutter vs mechanical shutter.
I set my D850 to shutter priority, 1/2500, auto iso. and multi release (9 fps with bat grip) Using my 70-300 f/4.5-5.6 at 300mm, it does OK.




Crank up that shutter speed. Noise can be cleaned up in post relatively easy with modern software where as motion blur can not.
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Yeah continuous, the d5600 is only 5fps and really slow at acquiring subjects i think. Think im being held back by this camera?

I was getting really confused/frustrated yesterday with settings, there were little puffs of cloud rolling past the sun all afternoon and changing the lighting on me every few minutes. Then theres the dappled afternoon shade in the backyard on top of that. The birds and bunnys would fly and hop in between all of these conditions while i was shooting so id end up with underexposed shots too.

I'll have a go at manual today, what's the bird in your shot there?

More speed it is then jeff, so nothing below 1600👍. I get worried about having high ISO on D5600. Especially if there's shade in play.
The bird is a Blue Jay. I also shoot in Auto ISO most of the time.
I also shoot in Auto ISO most of the time.

Theres no auto ISO in manual or shutter mode on the d5600, the only auto ISO is sports mode. Do better cameras have auto ISO in manual and shutter modes ect?

I done manual yesterday morning and what a pain in the butt again, was just like shutter mode. Shots were either under or over exposed.

Was shooting under trees in dappled light moving the lens from lit areas to shade and zooming in and out changed the exposures on top of that too. Grr.

Edit. Actually i just found out how to set auto ISO, thanks google. Righty'o I'll try this today Bill👍.
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Theres no auto ISO in manual or shutter mode on the d5600, the only auto ISO is sports mode. Do better cameras have auto ISO in manual and shutter modes ect?
I used to use a Nikon D5600 (nice camera) and was able to set up Auto ISO in Manual, Aperture, and Shutter. Maybe try it again?

BTW, my philosophy on shutter speed for action shots: You can fix exposure in post, but NOTHING will fix motion blur. Err on the side of freezing the action. My $0.02 and worth every penny!
I used to use a Nikon D5600 (nice camera) and was able to set up Auto ISO in Manual, Aperture, and Shutter. Maybe try it again?

BTW, my philosophy on shutter speed for action shots: You can fix exposure in post, but NOTHING will fix motion blur. Err on the side of freezing the action. My $0.02 and worth every penny!
I worked it out Mr, had to turn on ISO sensitivity control option so were all good now👍.

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