New film release from Rollei


No longer a newbie, moving up!
Oct 18, 2006
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Steventon, Oxfordshire, UK
Can others edit my Photos
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Rollei has just released a new unusual film called the Rollei Redbird. It is a C41 400 ISO film, which accentuates reds in a shutter speed dependent manner apparently (if that's not clear, read all about it here). It looks like fun as the results might be quite unexpected.
Huh. Really strange, eh? Guess the best way to see if it's worth having around is to run a couple rolls, at various speeds and see if you like what you get.
I wonder how successful the machine at your local one-hour photo will be at "fixing" the picture.

Now ... let the cross processing begin! :mrgreen:
Yeah, interesting.

I think I'll have to get me some.

B&H & Freestyle don't have it yet...
uhm... lomo has been selling "redscale" film for like a year now.. seems like they just jacked lomographys idea
5 Euros per roll.. anyone know how much that is in USD? I'd be interested in ordering some if it's not bad.. though I bet shipping would be killer
After all the time I've devoted to getting to the point where I can click the shutter and have a good idea of the final picture, you tell me about UNEXPECTED??? ;-))
After all the time I've devoted to getting to the point where I can click the shutter and have a good idea of the final picture, you tell me about UNEXPECTED??? ;-))


I'm not sure why I would want a film manufacturer to "unexpectedly" decide how my photos will look. :lol:
After all the time I've devoted to getting to the point where I can click the shutter and have a good idea of the final picture, you tell me about UNEXPECTED??? ;-))


I'm not sure why I would want a film manufacturer to "unexpectedly" decide how my photos will look. :lol:

It sounds like after a roll or two, it wouldn't be so unexpected. Longer exposure=more red.
I'll probably buy a roll or two just to try it out whenever it becomes available over here.

At $7 a roll though, I'm not sure how much I'll be experimenting with it though...
Yeah exactly.. I think I'll wait until B&H gets some in. And I'll need to check if the local lab (Wolf Camera) could process it correctly. I mean.. it's C41, so I'd think it wouldn't be an issue. I do my own prints from scanned negatives so that wouldn't be an issue either.

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