New Here, first shot at posting photos.


TPF Noob!
Jun 12, 2006
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Ok, this is my first post. Have loved photography for a long time, I'm more on the digital art, but love the feel of a camera in my hand.

I took the below shots yesterday, and decided to be a little brave and post them on the forum.

I know they are not up to quality, and may not even get critique or comments (or criticism :wink:), but hopefully someone will respond.

Without further adu

I took this one outside behind my sister's place, just thought it could make a good shot and decided to try my best to snap a picture with the crummy digital camera.

This one was taken again at my sister's place, but decided to try getting up close and taking one of those amazing pictures I see of flowers. Sadly, the camera does not really possess the ability to take those stunning shots, but I tried my best, took about 20 pictures of it, and had to photoshop the heck out of it to make it sharp and stuff since I could never get one that wasn't blurry. But hopefully it looks moderately okay in someone's eye.

I'll post more once I get there. I'm sure I'll be asking questions on the forum.

So I appreciate any critiques and/or criticisms that I can use to make myself better. Will hopefully be picking up a DSLR soon.

Hmmm, ok you look outside..... and for the first time you have been on a cruise, and what do you see???

Located in (The) Bahamas:
Gah???? This is the Bahamas?????? WTF!!!?!?!???

Phew... oh wait, that is the wrong way, it is on the other side :)

Now, we are on scooters, and I pull over, to try and remain calm from all the excitement of breaking traffic laws in the Bahamas on scooters :-P

Then make time to pull off to a beach:

There are more pictures, but before you know it.... We are back on the boat and:

Your suddenly surround by water..... scary eh?

Then we arrive at St. Thomas:
Welcome to the forum :mrgreen: These posted a little large as I am using a 20" monitor and had to scroll. That makes them a little hard to look at. I like the field and the flower picture.
Thank you, I'm shocked they came out okay. I'm currently considering buying a Canon EOS 30D, but it will be an expensive investment, not really sure.

But thanks.

I will be sure to resize the images next time, again it's my sister's camera, and I had to upload it on her computer and upload it on the net, it's all confusing.

I will hopefully get it all sorted out soon.

Here is a photo of the American Airlines Arena when I was in Miami, FL.

BTW, I enjoy your website with your pictures of flowers. Can I make one suggestion, on your main page, with the green background and red text. It almost blinds me, I can't see anything on it, so maybe if you could make better colors, be easier on the eyes. But you take awesome pictures! Hopefully I will be able to take pictures like that one day.

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