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TPF Noob!
Jun 27, 2013
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Can others edit my Photos
Photos OK to edit
Hi guys, my name is Nathan I am new to photography and new to thephotoforum! Ive always wanted to make photography as my hobby but never had the time to learn due to school and work. Now that school is over I have some time to maybe make this a hobby along with being a car enthusiast.

Here is one of the pictures i took that I liked

edit by NathanWongg, on Flickr

I used a Canon 7d for this picture and i don't even know what settings i used. I know it was switched to manual shoot and the ISO and shutter speed etc was all set at a random one that looked nice when the picture was taken haha.. Also I edited it through photoshop cs6 but only changed the contrast and brightness.

Here is the original one

IMG_1674 by NathanWongg, on Flickr

Please give me some criticism on my photography and what would be the best for a beginner to read and practice. I know using a 7d as a first camera isnt a smart idea so I will be using a t1i for a while until i get the hang of it.

I will be browsing the forum more and hope to get to know you pros alot more! haha
Just noticed I posted this in the wrong section :facepalm:. Mods could you please move to appropriate section please!
Welcome to TPF - I've moved this to Welcomes & Introductions. When you post other images, you'll find the image galleries further down the page; they're a great place to get critique and comments on your work.
Hello and welcome to the forum Nathan!
Welcome to the site.
Welcome to the site!

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