New Member Getting Back into Photography after 20 years


TPF Noob!
Aug 16, 2015
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Hi, I'm Matt from Southeast Michigan. Just getting back into the photography hobby after a 20 year absence. I did quite a bit as a teen and took a college level class to satisfy one of my arts and humanities requirements but after I didn't do any due to other interests and the expense. Eventually sold off all my Canon equipment just before the digital revolution. Since then I've had various point and shoot cameras and my iPhone but didn't do much other than document things. I just picked up a Nikon D33000 and a few other essentials. I think I'm going to take a basic photography class and a Photoshop class through the Lifelong Learning program at our local community college. There's a LOT that's changed and there's a lot that I once knew that I've forgotten.
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Welcome to the forum Matt! Enjoy your stay.
Welcome top TPF Matt! Since you've been gone, some things have changed. The f/stop formerly known as f/5.6 has changed its name, and is now an incomprehensible symbol, which nobody can pronounce.
Welcome top TPF Matt! Since you've been gone, some things have changed. The f/stop formerly known as f/5.6 has changed its name, and is now an incomprehensible symbol, which nobody can pronounce.
Yeah, we mostly just call it "The artist formerly known as f/5.6".

Oh, and you'll need to learn how to pronounce bokeh (?? Is it 'bo-KAY', like a bunch of flowers; is it BO-kuh, like ... dunno- tricky! :048: :bi_polo::oops:).

Fortunately, some things (light, color, ideas) remain timeless so you should be OK!
I'm still trying to find someone who stocks digital film so I can get started. :allteeth:
I'm still trying to find someone who stocks digital film so I can get started. :allteeth:
By an interesting coincidence, I happen to have an enormous supply of 1's and 0's.
I got them cheap because the 1's are bold and the 0's are bold italic- a barely noticeable distinction. Thus I can give you a terrific deal.
Just let me know how much you need and I'll quote a fair price, electronic delivery included.
Welcome to the forum, have fun here ;)
Welcome Matt....pretty much same thing happened with me.

matt_m said:
I'm still trying to find someone who stocks digital film so I can get started. :allteeth:

Hey--don't laugh too much...back when digital SLRs were the hot, new thing, Moose Peterson was CONSTANTLY writing and using the term "digital film", as he continually harped on the quality and speed and reliability of his digital film made by the Lexar company!
We could use an alternative term such as "flick" for motion picture, but then if somebody said; "digital flick" it could refer to someone trying to get rid of something stuck to his finger. Or of showing someone his general displeasure in a rapidly-displayed hand gesture.
Boy I am totally-rehooked. Love working in Lightroom to do way more than I could ever do in a darkroom at a fraction of the cost.

"Savings" didn't last long though--picked up a Sigma 70-200 2.8 yesterday! And of course had to buy a new bigger backpack to fit that...
Welcome Matt. I'm another old newby. I too have returned after a very long absence.

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