New toy


Been spending a lot of time on here!
Dec 30, 2010
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San Jose, CA
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$image-588703528.webp So everything I've read said this is the holy grail for my portraiture. It's freaking huge! I placed the 85 f1.4 there for comparison.
I want one !!!!!

What is it :D
It is a 200mm f2 vr2. Ya, monopod for sure. At 6.5lbs I'll not be swinging it around like I do the 85. By the way, sold my Sigma and bought that 85 pictured above as well.
Really looking forward to seeing what you can do with that :thumbup:
::shrinks into the shadows feeling inadequate::
Nice! Enjoy. Best excuse I've ever seen to own a 2X teleconverter.
I though from the thread title that it would contain another one of Trevor's beautiful models. But instead sow thing else very beautiful. Congrats and I also can't wait to see some resulting shots.
Sweet lens!
it will blow you away.
In the studio I used a 6' Foba camera stand with the 200 mm f/2.
A monopod works for on-location work.
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Lol. I'm in training for my new job all March. Working long and early hours. After my training period is up I'll have too much time. .. No worries, models are waiting for me to free up hours for them
Nice. Let me know how the 85 1.4g stacks up against your old sigma.

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