new website

Eek. You have A LOT of spelling and grammar mistakes. Find a friend who is good at English and ask them to help. Mistakes like those really say "amateur" in a hurry.

You really should list your location coverage on the site. Googlebots will suck those up and direct people to your site. For example, if you have "serving the greater seattle area" and someone puts in "seattle photographer" in a search engine, your site will be one of the "hits".

Never use the word "cheap" or "cheapest". It's much better to use "inexpensive" instead.

Find a different picture for your main page. Hairy knuckles are hardly appealing.

In your gallery pages, make sure there is a spectacular image as your first image. Some people are lazy and won't look through your entire collection if the first image doesn't immediately grab them. Only include your absolute best work on your site.

You're off to a good start. A bit of tweaking and it should be just fine.

Keep in mind every thing is in the fine details if you are very detailed and particular on your web page and your portfolios it shows you will be the same with there wedding. The first things your costumers see is your PR.

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