Newbie from the Sunshine State!


TPF Noob!
Jun 16, 2013
Reaction score
Fort Myers, Florida
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Hello everybody. :) You all can call me Fawn, I'm new here (Obviously, lol) and hope to visit here quite frequently.
I've been doing photography since late middle school/early High School, and I'm now 21. My main camera is a NikonD3000 that I got quite a few years ago, and a little point and shoot that I'm hoping to upgrade soon. I mostly do nature shots (A lot of flowers) but I'm also very new to toy photography.
My main thing I want to work on is portraits and people photography. It's just easier for me to bring out the details and beauty in still objects,though.
Welcome to TPF Fawn; there are lots of experienced shooters here who can help you, and feel free to post your work in the gallerys below for comments & critique.
i'm in florida, and look forward to seeing your 'take' of the area! :)
Thank you tired and Esselle! :) What part are you in, if you don't mind me asking?
Welcome aboard, Fawn.
Thank you Snowbear! :)
And very cool Esselle. I'm a little farther south.
Hello and welcome to the forum!
Welcome to the site.

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