Newbies First Photos today from Eastern State Penitentiary


TPF Noob!
Dec 13, 2011
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New Jersey
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Went on a really neat tour today at Eastern State Penitentiary in Philadelphia. It is an old abandoned prison that is open to the public.
The first shot was taken in a mirror.. The second shotis one of the cell blocks.This is really my first try with my new Nikon D3100.
Any good? Or are they bad?

Nothing bad about them. The LH image would benefit from a wider field of view (realizing that may have been difficult in the interior space). The RH is well composed, but would be outstanding if you had somene either in a guard or prisoner's uniform in it, say near the bench on the bottom concourse. Exposure, colours, etc appear fine to me.
Thanks tirediron. Unfortunately there are no guards or prisoners there, even in costume. Also there is no heat there and it was about 25 degrees there indoors today. Really interesting place to visit though I am sure it is better in the summer.
Thanks tirediron. Unfortunately there are no guards or prisoners there, even in costume. Also there is no heat there and it was about 25 degrees there indoors today. Really interesting place to visit though I am sure it is better in the summer.

Definitely a cold day for the ESP. The last time I went was on a day like this last winter and I intended to go back in the spring or fall but never did.
Yes. I would really like to back when it's warmer to spend more time seeing the exhibits.
I was just frozen today. I left my hat and gloves in the car. I paid for that.
Thanks tirediron. Unfortunately there are no guards or prisoners there, even in costume. Also there is no heat there and it was about 25 degrees there indoors today. Really interesting place to visit though I am sure it is better in the summer.

I just about choked when you said it was 25° and cold, as we north of 49 use the Celsius scale and 25°C is "bloody balmy mate" to quote my friends from Aus, then I realized it was on that other scale and yup I bet it was cold. ;)

These are neat images and like you, I could probably spend half a day or more there trying all kinds of things. When you can get any outside windows in the image, then think about trying some HDR to show both inside and outside. Close-ups of the plaster and the decaying brickwork and fixtures can often produce some neat abstract images as well. Let your imagination run wild!

I look forward to seeing more of you pics of this place. Thanks for sharing.


Thanks for the nice words Western Guy.
awesome location.. would love to do a model or engagement session there! I would turn #2 to black and white.
Here. Let me help with the presentation a little:

Went on a really neat tour today at Eastern State Penitentiary in Philadelphia. It is an old abandoned prison that is open to the public.
The first shot was taken in a mirror.. The second shotis one of the cell blocks.This is really my first try with my new Nikon D3100.
Any good? Or are they bad?

For using AWB, I'd say the camera nailed it.

The one on the left..... there's something on the far left of the image I would crop out.

That's another bench, but if I cropped it out I would also loose the full door in back.

Since I am a newbie I assume that AWB is Auto White Balance. Correct?

That's another bench, but if I cropped it out I would also loose the full door in back.

I'm referring to the large, dark stripe along the left edge.

Since I am a newbie I assume that AWB is Auto White Balance. Correct?


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