Next Lens after Nikon 35mm f/1.8 and 85mm f/1.8


TPF Noob!
Feb 22, 2016
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Hey guys, just wondering if anyone had any suggestions for lens to get after these 2 I originally had? Looking for something more flexible/ wide angled for landscape or general purpose with a budget of around 500CAD?
What camera?
it all depends on what you want to shoot. I'd suggest you use these lenses and note when their speed or focal length is a limiting factor for the images you want. That will guide your choice better than any advice from us.
Crop or full frame?
A larger range of choices open up if you do not have one of Nikon's "compact' DSLRS, the D3x00 and D5x00 series cameras that don't have Nikon's AF motor & screwdrive system in them. Otherwise you could consider Nikon AF-D lenses in addition to Nikon AF-S lenses.

A zoom lens in the 10 or 12 mm to 24 mm range would be useful for landscape, but are hard to come by for only $500 USD.
For general & walk around I use an AF-D version, because I don't have a D3x00 or D5x00, Nikon AF-S FX NIKKOR 24-85mm f/3.5-4.5G ED VR that also has a 1:2 macro capability from 35 mm to 85 mm. Bought used good, clean, examples of that lens can be had for about $300.

In your price range, new, would be the Nikon AF-S FX NIKKOR 24-85mm f/3.5-4.5G ED VR. Less if you buy used.
I recently picked up a 24mm and a 15mm fisheye in almost exactly the same situation as you. I intend the 24mm to do what you use your 35mm for (24x1.5 is 36). The 85mm is my go to - lots of portrait shots. The 85 is just entirely the wrong lens for landscape style shots.

I use a crop sensor, by the way, D7100.

I haven't had a ton of opportunities to use them yet, but I did go landscaping with the 15mm Fisheye (Sigma) the other day (15x1.5 is 22mm, and the fisheye effect is not as wonderful on a crop sensor like I have....knew that going it). It worked very well for what I wanted to do - catch an expansive landscape scene:


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