Nice Light


TPF Noob!
Dec 14, 2004
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Can others edit my Photos
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Believe it or not, this shot is in no way posed..........

Beautiful, Cindy. :thumbup:

If you like, you might want to consider a b&w version, since the wall colour imo, does not match with the curtain and is a distraction.
This Bride wants ALL black and white, so it will definately get a conversion. I'll do it sometime in the next few days and reload. Thanks for the kind words.
elsaspet said:
This Bride wants ALL black and white, so it will definately get a conversion.
craig said:
All B&W? I never heard of such a thing. If you can not talk her out of it tell her to email me.

No she REALLY wants all black and white. She wanted to hire Brooks Whittington, but was too late. In fact she was too late for all the arty cats on WPJA, so she's stuck with me.
She insisted on NO formals (yea for me!) and ALL black and white.
Whatever the client wants... That is a whole other subject. Seriously. I think I can talk her out of it. You are psyched on the no formal shots deal.

Ironically, we all wore B&W at our wedding. Swifty (fellow photog buddy) shot mostly colour.
great shot cindy...I'd go for the tighter crop can lose the wallpaper and still maintain the elegant curves of the curtains...jus don't go too tight.
excellent ! :D
Thank you so much you guys! Yeah, I think you guys are definately right on the crop. I'll do that today. Thanks for the kind words and the help!!!
What a fantastic shot! All black and white and no formals sounds like my dream wedding to shoot :D
Alison said:
What a fantastic shot! All black and white and no formals sounds like my dream wedding to shoot :D
Same here! :)

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