nikon d50 features?


TPF Noob!
Jun 26, 2006
Reaction score
Blue Mtn Beach FL
Just got a D50, trying to familiarize myself with it. If I want Black and White or Sepia images do I acheive this on the camera or in photoshop?
Photoshop. The D50 has no Black and White mode. Personally, I can't understand why anyone would shoot a Digital in B&W anyhow. Converting afterwards is the way to go, because then you have the color image if you ever want it.
Tiberius said:
Photoshop. The D50 has no Black and White mode. Personally, I can't understand why anyone would shoot a Digital in B&W anyhow. Converting afterwards is the way to go, because then you have the color image if you ever want it.

Couldn't agree more and maybe that's why the don't include the setting in the first place.

I'm about to get a D50 as well so this post is of interest to me too however I've gotten most of my info by Google'ing Nikon D50 and just reading every hit imaginable.
AAAHH! Hence all the talk about the "formidable" differences between Elements4.0 and the new pro Photoshop. Looks like I will be saving for software! Thanks for the reply.
i just downloaded gimp, but im wary of free stuff. is it spyware and adware free? if I install it will i be assailed by nude pop ups (not that that would be so bad...);)

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