Noob from Orlando... way too hot to shoot outside!


TPF Noob!
Jun 11, 2009
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Hey guys!
This is the first time I've been on any kind of photography forum or community and I hope I can learn a lot from you guys and contribute myself.

I am 26, live in Orlando, FL and yes it is way too freaking hot here to be outside... and the A/C in my car needs a recharge! I've been shooting for about 6 years, mostly landscape and random stuff. About 6 months ago I started building my modeling and commercial portfolio. All my work has been done with a Nikon D80 with 50m 1.8/f and SB-800. I love that little camera, only complaint is it's horrific ISO handing (I find myself hating ISOs over 100! LOL).

My background was in film, B&W and Velvia 50 slides. I am a purist at heart, but a digital user at my wallet!

Though a lot of people love how I light my subjects, it is the thing I know the least about and the biggest thing I want to learn more about.

So, I guess what I look forward to the most is learning more about lighting, honest critique of my work, and tips on getting noticed. I hope I can help others on here with photography as much as I am sure you guys will help me out.

So, here's the bulk of my work, check out modeling and landscape!
My MM profile for those of you on there as well:
Model Mayhem

I look forward to what you guys have to say!
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Welcome! Orlando is HOT alright! I hope you only need a recharge because a new compressor + labor will be the cost of a new len(s) and or a new slr body=) I would try to network on facebook and yes, twitter=). Try for twitter and you can find a niche to hook up with other photographers!
Yeah, it's only a recharge... there is a leak there somewhere but thankfully it takes over a year to become noticeable. Like right in the middle of summer!

I'm not much of a Twitter guy, though it's the place to be apparently. I am on facebook, so I'll have to try and search on there.

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