*OFFICIAL* fencing discussion thread

Thor the Mighty

TPF Noob!
Oct 19, 2005
Reaction score
glendale, ca
Howdy! how many of you all fence? what weapons? what gear is the best? what should we avoid? any tips, neat tricks or something that could benefit another fencer? discuss it here. this shall be the official fencing thread....unless there's another out there somewhere.

en guard......FENCE!
In my humble opinion, my best defense against someone armed with anything sharp and pointy is… Smith & Wesson.

I’ve done my share of fencing over the years, but only of the barbed wire and redwood varieties. :wink:
Thor the Mighty said:
maybe you should try the uncowardly way to protect yourself.

Would beating people with your tripod fit into that category?

I've never fenced but I've always thought it would be a fun thing to learn.
funny that this post popped up. i've been thinking about getting into fencing recently...although I tend to like sports that are played outside. don't know if I can overcome that. :)
Thor the Mighty said:
maybe you should try the uncowardly way to protect yourself.

My Smith&Wesson post was intended as a bit of macabre humor.

If someone (read that as ‘bad guy’) were to break into my home and threaten either myself, family or property… I would not hesitate to unleash the power of my mighty Manfrotto 3021 tripod! I would first blind the attacker with a laser-like blast from my holster mounted SB-800 Speedlight… Then whipping the tripod above my head in a blinding flash of aluminum tubing, all three legs would be fully deployed to maximum killing extension!! With deadly precision I whack him on the wrist… He screams in agony and drops his weapon!! Jab! Jab! Jab! The would-be assailant is now on the floor bleeding his vile criminal blood, desperately breathing his last gurgling breath… Dripping morbidly from each of the legs of my tripod is… His heart. His spleen. His mansack.

As you can plainly see, Thor the Mighty… I’m with ya Brother!
DepthAfield said:
Jab! Jab! Jab! The would-be assailant is now on the floor, desperately breathing his last gurgling breath… Dangling morbidly from each of the legs of my tripod is… His heart. His spleen. His mansack.

Ew. Smith & Wess.. make less mess...:gun:
JamesD said:
Ew. Smith & Wess.. make less mess...:gun:

Aye, my friend. But please note the wisdom of Thor the Mighty… As he has stated repeatedly: “Guns are bad.” You must disassociate yourself from the hideous slaughter that can be brought forth by the use of deadly camera stabilization equipment. Learn to use these tools for goodness, and not evil. Only then will you find true photographic happiness.

May the Gods of High ISO and Minimum Noise join together in comic book bliss, to bless you in your next photo outing.
Last time I did any fencing it was around my house. I'm to old to be beating people with tripods, swords, or anything else that requires quick, catlike movements. Does a bayonet on the end of a rifle count?
fredcwdoc said:
Does a bayonet on the end of a rifle count?

Since Thor the Mighty, Master of all Weaponry Not Requiring an Explosive Charge is busy practicing deadly maneuvers with the new Gitzo Carbon Fiber Tripod of Destruction (329.95 at B&H, pretty good deal)… I’ll field this question for him.


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