old noobie sort of from So Cal


TPF Noob!
Jul 14, 2012
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So Cal
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Hey all,
I used to mess around with a Canon EF. It's been sitting in my closet for 20 years now probably.
I've had different Canon digital cameras since they have been around, the point and shoot variety. I've broken some, upgraded some. I just dropped a Power Shot SD1400 IS from a 15' bleacher at my niece's graduation. It didn't survive the fall. :(
My point and shooter right now is a Power Shot A3300 IS. It's not very fast but it has 16 MP's. And it seems to take good enough video. (for me anyway) I'm no pro, I just have always liked cameras.
I have been agonizing and shopping for a good digital camera. My Uncle just got a Canon 6D (I think) and that got my wheels turning again. I have always liked Canon, I don't know why. Same reason I like Ford, Valvoline oil, and Fram filters, and tacos and pizza. Just a personal choice I guess.
I started shopping for T3i. halfway through my research Canon came out with the T4i. I know it's never good to buy the first of anything, but I couldn't resist. I figured this is probably a once in a lifetime purchase for me and I learned a long time ago that if you buy the best that you can afford, you will never be sorry. I researched and agonized and I bought a bundle that includes the T4i, a Canon 18-55mm IS II lens, and a Canon 75-300 lens, and a whole bunch of other goodies. It is scheduled to be delivered today. I have been up since 5, tracking it every hour. I'm driving my wife crazy. (short trip haha)
I have some stuff from my old camera that I think might work with my new camera. Some filters and stuff. I bought some 58-55 step down rings on ebay. And I have an adapter that lets me hook up my Canon EF to my telescope. I can't wait to see if it will work with the T4i. I can shoot some good desktop backgrounds of craters on the moon. I hope. If it doesn't work oh well.
So that's my intro. Don't tear me apart for buying a less than pro model camera. For cruises, football games, backyard bbq's I'm sure this is more than enough camera for me. Basically I am rewarding myself for working my but off.
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Welcome to the forum. That is a very nice start and a huge upgrade from P&S. If you need any help, you know how to post. A bunch of us are local to SoCal, so even some mano-y-mano help may be available. Good luck and good shooting.

Welcome to the forum! :)
the canon t4i is awesome for any hobbyist, much more than you will ever need for what you are shooting. I started with the rebel xt and it still suprises me on quality. Just remember 1 thing, its not the arrow, its the indian!
well the telescope mount converter thing didn't work but I am just absolutely thrilled with everything else.
I don't think it's the arrow or the Indian.
I think it's the cat's ass!
I researched some more and I found a T mount adapter that I think will work. I bought it on ebay for like 6 bucks including shipping. I should have it by this weekend. For 6 bucks I'll take a chance.
must be a Pink Floyd thing... dark side of the moon. haha

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