Old Theater


TPF Noob!
Mar 18, 2007
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I joined my sister on a road trip to visit a college is Texas.....We passed through an old town and I saw an old drive in theater.....

Comments and opinions on improvement are always welcomed...:thumbup:

Love this shot, reminds me of the good..ole days.....thanks for posting!
i like it a lot
I have a few of a old gas station that was down the rode...The city hall building so a small small house....Man those were the days huh
I have a few of a old gas station that was down the rode...The city hall building so a small small house....Man those were the days huh
post 'em!
It's seriously lacking in shadow detail.
I would have liked to have some detail in the foreground/bushes/etc....but it's a cool shot.
Makes me wish I grew up "back in the day"
Ohhhh the 50's...how I wish I was a kid then...

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