Old VHS video transferred to DVDbut lose audio when I edit on computer?


TPF Noob!
Dec 26, 2011
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Illinois USA
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Can anyone help me. I have an VHS copy of documentary aired in 1957 on Canadian Public Television. I assume the copyright has expired. I am able to make copy on DVD by playing on one old VHS tape player and copying off Television with DVD player. But when I try to run this copy in my computer to edit or try to dub to another DVD I lose the audio. Guessing there is copy protection on original VHS. Is there any way to over ride this?
Just get one of these:

Then get one of these:


(It's warm and fuzzy)
Can anyone help me. I have an VHS copy of documentary aired in 1957 on Canadian Public Television. I assume the copyright has expired. I am able to make copy on DVD by playing on one old VHS tape player and copying off Television with DVD player. But when I try to run this copy in my computer to edit or try to dub to another DVD I lose the audio. Guessing there is copy protection on original VHS. Is there any way to over ride this?
Wrong kind of film for this forum, and your assumption is wrong as well.

If the author of the video died right after making it, the copyright would still be in effect for at least 15 more years. (Life of the author, +70 years.)

BTW, the "copy protection" on a VHS tape can be defeated with a piece of tape, so I doubt that's your problem...
In Canada I believe copyright expires @ life of author + 50 years. (not that any of this thread has anything to do with film photography)
Just sounds like a mis-wiring and or configuration issue to me. Try this method....

From your VHS machine, audio and video outputs to audio and video inputs on DVD recorder.
From DVD recorder, audio and video outputs to TV.

Use a fresh blank DVD and set the recorder for Standard Resolution of 2 Hour Format.
Set the VHS machine to Play.
Select the DVD recorder inputs so that the image is on the TV.
Now rewind the tape and press Play on the VHS and Record on the DVD. What you see is what is being recorded.

Other extended formats may not play properly in a computer DVD reader/writer.

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