Old war bunker

Well at first glance, the compositions don't offer much in the way of interest.
Processing you may get some comments about and some, especially the HDR crowd may dissagree, but it's easy to get caught up in trying to have even lighting, but remember, you have to have shadows and highlights to bring out emotion.
I can't believe they left the canon in place! Here on the California coast we have bunkers and gun emplacements but the guns were taken out immediately after WWII. Only the mounts remain. It pretty cool up in those caverns on the cliffs.
I will post on the processing. Not bad I like the style of it. As far as the photos IMO don't really get and emoting or feelings good or bad. So I would say perhaps they are lacking something.
The processing looks ok to me, it's the crop that I don't like. It's too tight and if you hadn't told me what to look for I might not have recognized it. Needs a broader view in my opinion.
There's a big disconnect between the subject of the images and how they're being portrayed. Maybe I feel this way because my background is fine art photography. But I fill like a great opportunity to show the natural emotion was missed. Sometimes HDR just isn't appropriate... Just my opinion, though.
The processing looks ok to me, it's the crop that I don't like. It's too tight and if you hadn't told me what to look for I might not have recognized it. Needs a broader view in my opinion.

I get what you are saying. It was all I had to work with. The area to take the picture was very small. Maybe when the spring/summer come I will head back there to try again. It was about -8 Celcius yesterday with a windchill of about -20.
Processing is fine, and you achieved the results you were after. As for the two photos, well, to me they're more like snap shots of something that interested you. Photo 1 really doesn't doesn't convey that it's a WWII bunker. Looks just like an abondoned building with grafitti. Photo 2 my eyes are drawn right to the cannon, but it's too far away to see much of it. A tighter crop would have helped. At least that's how I see it.

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